Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Featured Report: BYOD: Why the biggest security worry is the fool within rather than the enemy without

ZD Net

BYOD: Why the biggest security worry is the fool within rather than the enemy without
by: Colin Barker 
The vast majority – 95 percent – of IT managers are prepared to admit that they are struggling to tackle all the potential security threats they face and 87 percent believe that the biggest threats came from mobile devices in the hands of careless employees, according to a new survey. Check Point's third annual security survey is focused this year on mobile devices. The company interviewed 700 IT professionals in the US, UK, Germany, Canada and Australia.  Read More

CIO Mobile

When it Comes to Mobile, IT is Out of Touch

by:Matt Weinberger

"I used to be with it, but then they changed what it was. Now what I'm with isn't it and what's it seems weird and scary to me. It'll happen to you!" warned Abraham Simpson -- of the Springfield Simpsons -- way back in 1996. It's true, and like it or not, mobile is the new gamemaker in business -- if you haven't adopted a mobile strategy that enables productivity on the go, rest assured that your competitors have. And even if you have, there's an arms race to build better, more user-friendly applications, faster. If that doesn't cause enough stress, a new study by app development platform Appcelerator and IDC Research suggests that IT departments may not be as in control of the mobile agenda as they thought, with developers and IT pros reporting drastically different experiences. Read More

Wireless Week

The Vague, Undefined Promise of 5G
by: Andrew Berg
The term 5G is as yet completely meaningless aside from the fact that the moniker is the obvious successor to the current status quo of 4G. But it's also grossly obtuse because we don't even know on what criteria the ITU will base its definition of 5G. I spoke with Chris Pearson, President of 4G Americas about a recently published white paper that addresses first steps for the development of and investment in 5G technology. "It's a question I'm asked a lot, and more often than not people are asking whether 5G is about speed," Pearson said. "My answer is no. It's going to be about improving and enhancing what we have today with LTE-Advanced as we look at what the mobile requirements are out in 2020.  Read More

RCR Wireless Week

Researchers: Mobile phone data ‘unprecedented solution’ to tracking people in disasters, epidemics

A new study finds that mobile phone data can be used for human population mapping in situations such as disasters, conflicts and epidemics due to its high level of penetration around the globe. Researchers called the proliferation of cellphones “an unprecedented solution” to the lack of timely information about people’s movements during crises.The use of mobile phone data for epidemiological research has been increasing. The Economist recently called for call data records (CDRs) from west Africa to be released to researchers to provide them with some data to analyze in order to better inform the fight against Ebola. Even though cell phone penetration is relatively low in remote rural areas, the publication argued, “CDRs are nevertheless better than simulations based on stale, unreliable statistics.Read More

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