Monday, August 11, 2014

Featured Report: Women Are Spending More Time And Money On Mobile Games

Business Insiders

Women Are Spending More Time And Money On Mobile Games
Thanks to a few hits like "Kim Kardashian: Hollywood" and "Clash of Clans," women are spending a crazy amount of time playing mobile games — roughly 32% of the time they spend on their phones.Some are also spending a crazy amount of money on these games' in-app purchases.

According to a new report from Flurry, women are dominating the mobile game space in terms of both time and money spent. Flurry found they make 31% more in-app purchases than men and spend 35% more time in gaming apps. Women were also more loyal to apps than men, with 42% higher retention rates. Flurry obtained these results by analyzing 1.1 million devices around the world.   Read More

Social Media Today

The In-Store Imperative for Brands in the Digital Age
by: Loni Stark 
Cus­tomer is no longer a good enough word to describe the many individuals in relationship with a brand. We’ve called them fans and audi­ences, col­lab­o­ra­tors and par­tic­i­pants, vis­i­tors and users, trying to cap­ture the nature of cus­tomer inter­ac­tions in the dig­i­tal age. But a sin­gle word may never be enough, because touch points and oppor­tu­ni­ties for engage­ment keep mul­ti­ply­ing. The once lin­ear sales fun­nel is now an evolv­ing, cir­cu­lar process with active and informed men and women enter­ing through var­i­ous channels.
For example, the cus­tomer that sets foot in a store today is a very dif­fer­ent ani­mal from the one that walked through the door more than a decade ago. Chances are the cus­tomer knows a good deal about your prod­uct before approach­ing a sales­per­son. The sales­per­son needs to under­stand the cus­tomer well enough to make broader rec­om­men­da­tions (for exam­ple, sug­gest­ing new design­ers or acces­sories to a fash­ion­ista). We no longer live in a product-driven world. The customer-centric sell is per­son­al­ized to unique and specific customer lifestyles. Read More

Advertising Age 

Google Tests Way to Track Consumers From Mobile Browsers to the Apps They Use
by: Tim Peterson
Google has come up with a way to overcome the ad-targeting gap between mobile web visitors and mobile app users, according to people familiar with the matter.The online ad giant is set to begin testing a new method of targeting tablet and smartphone users that connects the separate tracking mechanisms that follow what people do on the mobile web and in mobile apps respectively, the people said. Until now, advertisers have usually been forced to treat individual mobile users as two unconnected people, depending on whether they are using a mobile browser or apps.  Read More


Marketers Just Want to get to Know you (with Data)
Aug, 07,2014
by: Staff
There’s no denying that consumers are demanding more tailored experiences when interacting with companies than ever before. Based on recent research, professionals are collecting data through analytics in an effort to respond appropriately.  The May 2014 study by Econsultancy in association with Lynchpin found that, thanks to the rise of data-driven marketing, analytics were a hot topic among digital business professionals worldwide, many of whom were using them to improve personalization efforts. In fact, personalization and targeting were the second most popular requirements for analytics related to understanding the customer, cited by 53% of respondents. Tracking behavior across devices and channels, which can aid in personalization further down the road, ranked first.  Read More

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